Neural Therapy

This short course will provide you with the basic theory and practice to treat horses with neural therapy. You will learn about the mechanisms behind the treatment method, get treatment protocols for specific disease patterns and you will be able to practice some of the techniques on human and equine patients

Next Course Date:   09.  Juni 2023(before the start of “Myofascial Triggerpoint Course”)
Venue:   Tierklinik Lüsche GmbH
Course Fees:   250,00 €

Neural Therapy

Neural therapy is a bridging method between classic and complementary medicines. It is a treatment system to relieve musculoskeletal and neuropathic pain and to treat interference fields. Local anaesthetics are injected into certain skin areas, scars, trigger points, peripheral nerves, autonomic ganglia and other tissues. Neural therapy is a great and easy to learn technique to add to your tools for the treatment of equine patients. It can be combined with all kind of manual therapies such as chiropractic, osteopathy or physiotherapy and can greatly enhance the effects of acupuncture.

This short course will provide you with the basic theory and practice to treat horses with neural therapy. You will learn about the mechanisms behind the treatment method, get treatment protocols for specific disease patterns and you will be able to practice some of the techniques on human and equine patients.

This event can be booked independently of the Academy certification program.

The general booking conditions apply.
You can find them here: Booking Terms & Conditions

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