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Booking Terms & Conditions

Registration and Payment
- Attendance figures to courses are limited and places will be allocated in order of chronological sequence of registration.
- Registration to courses is done via online booking.
- By completion of registration, the attendee can choose between different payment options: Direct payment via PayPal, Credit Card or SEPA (takes up to 5 working days until confirmation).
- Course attendance is only guaranteed after receipt of the entire registration fee payment. ABnR reserves the right to resell an attendee´s place if the registration fee has not been received.
- The registration fee does not include bank transfer fees and accomodation and attendees are responsible for such charges.
- Once a fully completed online registration form and payment have been received by ABnR, the registration process will be complete.
- The attendee agrees to compensate ABnR for any legal fees and expenses, in case of necessity of legal proceedings to collect outstanding balances.
- By completing the online registration form, the attendee acknowledges to have read and agreed to the general and course-specific terms and conditions.

General Conditions and Communication
- Attendees personal details will only be used by ABnR for registration purposes and information about future couses and projects. Personal data will not be passed on except for legal requirements.
- Attendees acknowledge and consent to email as ABnR´s main communication medium. It is the attendees responsibility to keep email adresses and spam filter configurations updated to allow emails from ABnR.
- Attendees confirm to be in possession of insurance that covers all public, general and professional risks of participating in theoretical and practical courses

Speaker Commitment, Intellectual Property and Copyrights
- Instructors and speakers are responsible for the information presented and for adherence to German copyright law in spoken and/or written format.
- Instructors and speakers acknowledge and confirm to hand in PDF-handout files of lectures prior to a 28 calender day period to course start. Delayed provision will lead to reduction of speaker payment by 15%.
- Attendees acknowlegde and confirm to respect and adhere to German copyright law and to not reproduce, transmit or distribute any course notes without explicit written consent by the author(s) and by ABnR.
- Course PDF files will be removed from attendees membership area after a 4-6month period to respect instructor´s copyrights.
- Course participants give permission to ABnR to use feedback forms (anonymously), photographs and videos taken during courses on the ABnR website, social media and course announcements.

Course Changes and Cancellation Policies
- Cancellations must be made in written format via email to
- Cancellation more than 4 weeks prior to the course will lead to full refund of course fee less 15-20% administrative charge – dependent on chosen booking system fees.
- Cancellation less than 4 weeks prior to the course will not be refunded unless the course space can be transferred to another qualified participant.
- Course programs, venues and speakers cannot be guaranteed without alteration in case of exceptional circumstances. The ABnR cannot be held responsible for unexpected course changes. In case of course cancellation by ABnR, course fees will be fully refunded. This does not apply for any travel, accomodation or other expenses.