Dr. Kirsten Häußler, PhD
Speaker – ABnR Academy
- Founder and Owner of Tierphysiotherapie Dr. Häusler
- Certified Canine Rehab Practitioner (CCRP, Tennessee)

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About Dr. Kirsten Häußler
Kirsten Häusler is a rehabilitation specialist for small animals from Germany, with over a decade of experience in animal physical therapy.
She obtained a degree in Agricultural Biology from the University of Hohenheim, Germany, with a focus on Animal Behavior and Animal Nutrition in 2004. This was followed by a Ph.D. in Animal Science with a specialization in the Motivational Behavior of animals, from the University of Hohenheim, Germany and graduated in 2006. Growing up, she always was inclined to animal science, veterinary medicine and more recently, animal physical therapy.
Her real passion came to life when she enrolled in the Canine Rehabilitation Practitioner Class in 2006 and received her Certificate as a CCRP in 2008 from the University of Tennessee, USA. Over the years, she has contributed to scholarly research, development of theories, patterns, and elucidatory programs for the veterinary industry.
Part of her research consists of applying therapies, such as treatment on the underwater treadmill, a regular treadmill, shockwave therapy, pulsed electromagnetic field, etc to animals for post-illness rehabilitation and recovery treatments. In order to intensify her studies regarding shockwave therapy and canine gait analysis, in 2017, she was invited to collaborate with Professor M. Allen at the Surgical Discovery Center at the University of Cambridge, UK.
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