Dr. habil. vet. med. Jenny Hagen
Speaker – ABnR Academy
- Founder and owner of a private practice for equine orthopeadics, farriery and chiropractic.
- Associate teacher at the Horseshoeing Schools Verden and Dortmund
- Associate professor at the ´Institute of Veterinary Anatomy Leipzig´ and head of the research group ´Equine Biomechanics and Orthopedics´
- Former supervisor and clinician at the Horseshoeing School of the ´Clinic for Horses´, Leipzig University

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About Dr. Jenny Hagen
Publications and Presentations
-23 national and international scientific, peer-reviewed publications
-Co-author in 2 veterinarian textbooks
-19 lectures and 7 posters at international, scientific congresses (BEVA, GEVA-GPM, YGVA, EAVA, ICLE, NEAEP)
-122 national and international congresses, symposiums, workshops, lectures,
-Key-Speaker at international symposiums (Werkman Spring Games 2013/2015/2019, (Groningen, The Netherlands), Luwex Hoof Symposium 2012/2016, (Kreuth, Germany) Annual Meeting of the Federation of European Equine Veterinary Associations 2015, (Lisbon, Portugal), Annual Meeting Northeast Association of Equine Practitioners 2016, 2020 (USA), International Hoof Care Summit 2016/2017, (Cincinnati, USA), Qatar Foot Conference 2018 (Doha, Qatar)
Tabular CV Information
Professional Position
1/2020 – today Private practice for equine orthopeadics, farriery and chiropractic
10/2019 – today Associated teacher at the Horseshoeing Schools Verden and Dortmund
11/2018 – today Associated Professor at the Institute of Veterinary Anatomy (head of the research group „Equine Biomechanics and Orthopedics“)
2/2018 – 2/2020 Supervisor and clinician at the Horseshoeing School of the Clinic for Horses, Leipzig University
6/2012 – today Freelancer as a professional speaker, consultant and farrier
6/2011 – 2/2018 Senior assistant at the Institute of Veterinary Anatomy, Leipzig University (head of the research group „Equine Biomechanics and Orthopedics“)
4/2009 – 12/2010 Teaching assistant at the Institute of Veterinary Anatomy, Leipzig University
9/2022 Educational training about functional anatomy of motoric at the ZIFF
7/2021 Educational training in myofascial techniques and training with Stefan Stammer
21.09.2019 Specialization in Veterinary Chiropractic certified by the International Academy of Veterinary Chiropractic, Member of the Veterinary Society of Chiropractic
08.11.2018 Doctor habilitatus (Dr. habil. vet. med.) and Associated Professor at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Leipzig University
8./9. August 2018 Certified farrier (public exam)
4/2018 – 8/2018 Preparation course to be admitted for the public farrier exam
1/2018 Veterinary Specialist of Anatomy, Histology, Embryology
12.01.2011 Doctor medicinae veterinaria (Dr. med. vet.)
3/2008 – 12/2010 Doctoral thesis at the Clinic for Ruminants, Leipzig University
5/2003 – 12/2008 Practical work with various farriers regarding to the German farrier law (§ 7 Hufbeschlagverordnung)
20.02.2009 Approbation as a Veterinarian
10/2003 – 2/2009 Study of Veterinary Medicine at the Leipzig University